McWherter Coaching Group LLC  I  Leadership & Executive Coaching  I  Lead Well. Enjoy Your Work  I  © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

the mcwherter coaching group

"Wendy is a very engaging and refreshing trainer. She hits the mark for professionals and offers great tips for those who think they are already good coaches. I highly recommend her as a trainer / workshop facilitator."           

Jim - Columbus, Ohio

"Steady, thoughtful and wise. Those are three words I think of when I think of Wendy. I had the pleasure working with Wendy through Multiply Vineyard where she is a mentor coach. Wendy's talent quickly rose to the top. It was easy to see her natural ability as a coach and her dedication to the craft is solid.  I suggest scheduling a strategy session to see how Wendy could support you in your quest to grow."    

​​Jen - Minneapolis, Minnesota

​​​​​​​​​"Wendy has been a supportive, insightful and enthusiastic coach for me over the past year. She listens well, asks questions that help me find solutions, and she brings good ideas, experiences and resources to the table for me. Working with Wendy has helped me accomplish far more, and in an affirming way than I ever could have accomplished without her." 

Ryan - New York, New York

"I have been coaching with Wendy for the past 11 months. Prior to that time, I was in the early stage of my business and had very little clarity, structure and focus.  As Wendy's client I am empowered with setting the agenda. I have to pick the issues for our discussions, address the challenges and discover the solution(s), and put it into practice. As a result of this, I have become a more aware and responsible business owner. Wendy is concerned about my “net worth” as a human being, and an entrepreneur, not only the bottom line of my company. Since coaching with Wendy, I have gained more clarity, structure and focus, My business has started to grow quickly and with Wendy's guidance, I have made some important decisions recently that will take me from business owner to organizational leader."

Adele - Columbus, Ohio

"Not only is Wendy a talented coach, she is a committed partner in the projects in which she immerses herself - and there are many. Wherever I go and whenever Wendy's name comes up, the professionals in the room immediately speak to her talent, to her integrity and to her passion. I have found over the past nearly two years that I've known Wendy, I can call upon her whenever I need help or a thoughtful ear to lend an intelligent, respectful perspective. Many individuals I know have worked with Wendy and have received executive coaching. All of them have reported the same thing to me: She is phenomenal. I cannot say loudly enough that when you choose to work and align your interests with Wendy, everyone benefits."

Jarrod - Columbus, Ohio

"As an executive coach and trainer of coaches, I am always looking for those who take the training seriously and assess well in our coach assessment process. Wendy McWherter is one of those coaches that caught my attention because she is a serious student of the art of coaching.  Throughout her training process Wendy continued to ask questions and seek the answers that would make her a better coach. The clients she coached benefitted from her quick learning and her attention to the small things that separate great coaches from good coaches. At the end of her training her diligence paid off with solid skills as proven by her excellent assessment results. I highly recommend Wendy as a coach for anyone who wants to make progress in business, spiritual growth, or discipline in professional life."

Keith - Calgary, Canada

​​​​​Prior to working with Wendy, I was unfocused as to my next career move. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do, but no clear sense of how to get there. Wendy has challenged me to take a long, hard look at some of my long-held beliefs and why I believe them. Understanding why I was feeling a certain way about a situation really led to some "aha!" moments that helped me better navigate my challenges. Ihave broadened my understanding of networking and coalition-building. And have remained "on-track" on a path toward achieving the goal Wendy and I set together. I looked forward to our time together, as Wendy always had great insight into situations that I hadn't, or couldn't, see. The "homework" was always something I looked forward to completing because it helped me move closer to my goal. If you are thinking of hiring Wendy as your Executive Coach, I would say ABSOLUTELY do it. Invest the time, effort and money in yourself. Whether you are looking to move up the ladder, change direction, or are just finding yourself stuck, Wendy's insight and encouragement will lead to a deeper understanding of your situation and yourself, that can only benefit anyone looking to improve themselves and/or their situations.

Chris - Columbus, Ohio

"My executive coaching sessions with Wendy have reinforced the importance of introspection. The value of introspection is easy to talk about, but significantly harder to do on your own. Coaching with Wendy forces me to slow down and contemplate the issues at hand. Through Wendy's direct and persistent questions, I found clarity in my path forward on several challenges and opportunities this past year. I have now recognized the importance of setting aside time to thoroughly think through my opportunities and challenges. When I sit down, think through the issues and build an action plan, I no longer spend time wringing my hands and worrying about what I should do. I am confident moving forward. Coaching with Wendy has been a great experience and very rewarding!  If you are considering Executive Coaching with Wendy, I would say, "Go for it!" In fact, I have already encouraged several people to hire Wendy as their Executive Coach.​"

Chris - Columbus, Ohio

​​​​​​​​​“I struggled with overwhelm and with getting mundane, but necessary tasks done. I wanted to be more effective with limited time and resources.Coaching helped me be more intentional about project goals and desired outcomes. Coaching also gave me a framework to work backwards from intention to actionable steps. I now stop to acknowledge and celebrate "wins" of all sizes. Wendy’s coaching style meshed well with my Type A personality.  Her well-placed questions pulled insight from me that I didn't know I had until I found myself sharing it during our sessions. Coaching has slowed my hard charging pace to a more deliberate, measured way of thinking .  This still allows me to be responsive and nimble when needed, but more intentional at the beginning of projects and high stakes situations. Executive coaching is a worthwhile investment, particularly when the coach is Wendy. Her effective style has helped me find more productive ways to do my job and ways to find more joy in doing so.”

Kimberly - Columbus, Ohio

“We found Wendy to be positive, motivating, and a good listener who asks great questions. During our sessions Wendy showed us how to dig out our desires and decide specifically what we wanted to accomplish next.  She made sure we had new action steps in place in order to make significant progress toward our goals. ​Working with Wendy brought many benefits to us, as we experienced coaching as a couple. We had to be honest with each other in front of someone else, which led to more accountability to keeping to our word. Wendy helped us function as a team and decide how to best accomplish our new ministry organization in a way that used our strengthsWe also established key stakeholder relationships, and put funding and communication systems in place for our new organization. Subsequently, we have used the skills we learned to plant a new church and work through many cross cultural challenges in the country where we serve. We highly recommend working with Wendy to accomplish important organizational goals, especially in a start-up context."    

Anna & Stephen - Zacatecas, Mexico

"Wendy is a smart, vibrant trainer who is able to engage even the most resistant participants. Her kind and friendly personality makes people at ease and open to hear her message. We are pleased to have her involved with our staff development".

Christine - Columbus, Ohio

"Before coaching with Wendy, I felt my career was stagnant.  I was floating between jobs in the same organization with little to no direction.  During our coaching sessions I was able to gain the confidence I needed to persevere.  Through the confidence I built, I pressed through to get a title and job that I truly liked. By doing so, I was afforded opportunities that I may not have gotten, if I had not put voice and thoughts into actions.Wendy encouraged me to talk through obstacles, and ultimately, I found the courage to push forward. Wendy continually posed challenging questions, which then would get me talking out loud and working through situations to solutions I designed for me.If you are willing to be open with Wendy, she will provide firm questions, give supportive feedback, and help you see points of strength on which you can build. Executive coaching with Wendy has been one of the greatest professional development opportunities I’ve been afforded.  Because of our coaching sessions, I have worked through obstacles in my professional career, put our topics of discussion into play, and experienced the positive outcomes."
Alex - Columbus, Ohio

"I hired McWherter Coaching Group when I was in the process of transition and reevaluating my career options. My coaching experience with Wendy was wonderful . I loved talking things through and uncovering different ideas and ways to put my steps in place to achieve my results. Each session I planned specific goals to achieve, and concrete ways to achieve those goals. Working with Wendy helped me dig deep and not always do what I thought I should do, but what I really wanted to do. I learned to trust my own instincts and to put myself out there again. Now I am more positive.  I know I have the proper tools to achieve future success.  If you are considering coaching with Wendy, I would tell you to do it! Sometimes you don’t really know how much you need coaching until you start doing the work!"
Tambra  - Cincinnati, Ohio

"Wendy coached me through a specific time in developing my organization.  She kept me focused and guided me through formulating specific goals concerning my desired end result. Because of her coaching, I am now able to visualize my goals and work toward them in a more organized way than before. Wendy is extremely encouraging and is always happy to talk through challenges with me. I am thankful for her wisdom and encouragement." 

Angie  - Clintonville, Ohio

"Wendy helped me process several areas of my life, and as opposed to others I have worked with in the past, she found the perfect balance of support and autonomy to push me to the next level of self-discovery."    

Heather - Marysville, Ohio

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